
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Let's talk about depression!

The recent suicide of a 24 year old boy, dealing with drug abuse and depression, brings to light a subject, that has been ignorantly tucked in convenient corners of Indian minds. While our presuming society jumps to conclusion about what a coward he was, or how suicide was not the option, let's take a step back from our judgemental standpoints, and look at the actual issue at hand. Why did a boy, in fact, numerous other people, choose to end life in depression, than accept it and find a way out? 
 Why do people choose to find an escape out, than do something about it? The answer isn't as simple as 'They were cowards'. The bitter truth lies in the answer, that 'We are cowards'. We choose to brush depression under the carpet, as just another phase, just a bad time, or a modern western term that has fancied our attention. According to World Happiness Report 2017, on the happiest countries of the world, India stood in 118th position. In a country known for its colors and cultures, happy bollywood songs and dances, festivals and celebrations, we are unhappy. We hide monsters under our bed. The monsters of unhappiness and depression, that we refuse to look in the eyes of. The concern at hand isn't just about not normalizing depression, it strews to the stigma we attach to mental diseases in the country. People are petrified of even acknowledging a problem with their minds, in the fear of being termed 'mad'. 
 Imagine the state of a person in depression. As if it's not bad enough that they are dealing with a crippling disease, yes depression isn't just a phase its a disease that can happen to anybody, they also have to hide it from people around, because they'll only brush it off as a sad day, a sad week or even a month. How long can forced smiles, attempts to cheer oneself, or being around people help? While most find themselves helpless, unable to make sense of, or find a way out of it, others refuse to take professional help, because a doctor for the mind, is only meant for people who have no normal functioning minds. In a society, that makes jokes on mental hospitals, laughs at the supposed mad ones, ignores every other problem a mind can go through, and turns a blind eye on the importance of mental health, who do we blame for the ones finding solace from depression in drinks, drugs and death? The victim, or the ones that made this world so difficult for the victim? 
 Keeping aside the truth that suicide should never be an option, let's dig deeper and prevent these suicides. Let us talk! Let us open our minds and arms, to the ones dealing with depression. It's about damn time we talk about mental health as we do about physical. Depression can happen to anybody! Poor, rich, happy, sad, young, old, someone with a hundred friends or someone with no friends, someone single, someone in a relationship, or someone who broke up. If you happen to see signs of depression, in someone, don't ask them to get out of it, don't ask them to cheer themselves up. Sadness may go away with time, mental illness does not. Do what you can to help. Listen, understand and if need be arrange for professional help. If you're dealing with depression yourself, understand that you're not alone, and there is a way out, unlike how it seems to be. Be brave enough to talk about it, undergo counselling, or visit a professional. Remember, it is absolutely OK to not be OK.
Let's talk about it! Let's normalize mental health, instead of tabooing or shying away from it ! Let never again a precious life be lost, because of the dangerous damage our refusal to adress this concern has caused!

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