
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Dear women, let's be kinder to each other

While women often complain about how many times they've been eve teased, harassed, stared at or looked down upon by some men, a horrendous reality we struggle with, not many of us speak about how we are often brought down by our own kind. 
 It warms my heart, to see women being kind to each other, sometimes going out of their way. "Hey, your shoes are amazing." "Hi stranger that i just came across in the washroom, I like your dress" "Oh, are you on your periods? Every girl here will make sure you’re comfortable" "Youre too busy with work? Let me order food for you, so you can eat without leaving your desk" "That boy made u cry? I'll break his legs. He apologised and made u smile? Oh you deserve the love girl, good for you" "Go ahead and achieve that goal, you're amazing girl" I smile as i think of such instances, but sadly, where there are soulful women like these amongst us, there are also more, many more women out there busy doing just the opposite.
 Growing up in a house that strongly supported gender equality, i didnt really face many concerns until i got out into the real world, but what took me by shock more, was when so many women out there, were ready to pull me down in their own little ways. In the recent years I have seen several women pointing fingers at each other, judging each other, grouping up against some, and silently bullying them. 
 Women in skirts are quick to call the ones in churidars behenji, the ones in churidars roll their eyes at the length of the other's skirt. Someone else's life choices gives us feed for weeks of gossip, quickly coming to conclusions, knowing nothing about their struggles. What is the point in screaming out to the world for equality, when we dont believe in equality amongst our own selves. How will someone else respect us, when we find respecting each other such a tough task?
 Who do we want our future daughters to be? The one that smiles at another woman, or quickly judges her? The one that helps another, or makes life more difficult for her. The one that extends a hand to pull someone from their pain, or pushes them deeper into it? What do we want our sons to learn about women? The ones who share an incredible bond? Or the ones who dont need chauvinists to pull them down, because they have enough among themselves.
Let’s stop victimising each other. Let's be kinder to each other. We know it isn't an easy life, let's try and make the journey better for our sisters out there. Imagine a world where women are constantly each others strength, building each other and growing each day. We may not have to fight for equality then, because we'll be teaching the world by example, how being good to each other can bring about wonders in the world.

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