
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

27 Life Lessons

1. Love yourself first. Life is a thousand times easier and better, when you fall in love with your own self first.
 2. Tea is always the answer. Sad? Sip some tea. Depressed? Sip some tea. Confused? Sip some tea. Angry? Make some tea and watch it boil your anger away, then of course, sip some tea.
 3. Save. Despite how difficult or annoying it seems, it's absolutely important to save some for a rainy day no matter what kind of personal cushion you have to fall back on. 
 4. Independence is sexy. Mental, Emotional, Financial and Social. An independent woman can take on the world.
 5. Cherish the simple joys of life. You're blessed to be able to experience them.
 6. You loose friends as you grow up, and it’s a good thing. It's your life's way of filtering the best out for you. With age, you only want the ones that truly care, around you, anyway.
 7. Happiness doesnt have to be an occurance, it can be your state of mind, only if you choose to. Being happy need not be associated with an event, it can be an everyday affair, when you learn to accept that you truly deserve to be happy.
 8. Your skin and body need your attention. They don't just get in their best form without being attended to.
 9. Karma is not always a bitch. Or it is, depending on the action. Be good, good will come back to you. Be bad, worse will come back to you. The same goes with the ones that wrong you. Don't waste your time brooding over who did what. Karma is watching, they'll get served too.
 10. You don't need so many clothes, you just need the right ones. Piling up clothes in your closet only to stick with a few is an absolute waste of money and space. Don't spend on your clothes, invest in them.
 11. Never compare. You're blessed to have what you have, and there are thousands out there who dream of a life like yours. Be happy with what you have, while working for what you don’t.
 12. There is no such thing as entitlement. You don't deserve to get things out of luck and destiny. Want something, work for it. Even the rich and famous work hard to retain what they have.
 13. Love should be your strength, not your weakness. It shouldn't define you, it sure should enhance you though.
 14. Regrets are a waste of time and energy. At one point it was exactly what you wanted, why else would you have made a mistake? Every mistake is a lesson in disguise.
 15. The beach has magic. How else do you explain the bliss rushing water on your feet brings?
 16. Life is difficult for an empath. You tend to put yourself in someone else's shoes, walk a bit in it trying to understand their pain and sorrow, and soon forget they aren't even your shoes and end up feeling bad. Learn to detach.
 17. Old people need your time and attention. Be kind to old people, it must not be easy to have been young and independent once and reach a dependent, helpless stage now. A few kind words and attention wont cost a thing to you, but can mean the world to them.
 18. Push yourself out of the comfort zone. There is nothing more evil than comfort zone. You got to push yourself out of it, to see the wonders that lie beyond.
 19. It's absolutely okay to make a mistake. Not owning up to it, is not okay. Accept your mistakes gracefully.
 20. Trust actions, not words. Believe how people treat you, not what they say. 
 21. Parents are not sacrificing machines. They have a life of their own. Don't let them make sacrifices for you all the time only because they dont mind doing it.
 22. Let people go to hell. Well, not literally. When you find yourselves wondering what will people think, let them go to hell. Your own happiness over anybody's judgement anyday, that is of course, if youre not going to hurt anyone in the process.
 23. Credit card is evil, truly, maliciously, scarily evil. Stay the hell away form it. No matter how much you think you can have a control over it, you'll end up in its control pedalling a cycle of debt.
 24. Be humble. No matter where you reach or what you achieve, always stay in touch with your roots.
 25. Ignorance may be bliss to you, but your ignorance shouldn't be a pain to someone else. Know the answers, seek the answers. Know!
 26. Give people their space, take your own space too. There's a reason why humans are not parasites. We coexist out of our will, for our own joy. Our own space in this coexistence, only makes the journey better. 
 27. You have only one life, and you have no idea for how long. So live fully, laugh madly, love whole heartedly. Just freakin live!

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