
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ten things you need to get rid of

1. A job that helps you afford a more than comfortable life but doesn’t give you the time to live and enjoy it.

2. A relationship that's pulling you down. Relationships are supposed to bring out the best in you, if it doesn’t you’re probably in a wrong one. Worse, if you feel disrespected in a relationship, wear your running shoes and run as fast as you can. When you're out of your mean partner's mean radar, you'll see there is someone out there who will treat you just the way you deserve to be.

3. A grudge on someone for something that they did long back. Learn the art of letting go. Not as easy to implement as it is to advise, but definitely worth the effort. Buddha said “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” Let go off the poison.

4. Clothes that don’t compliment your body type.

5. Gifts from an ex. You may want to keep it as a memory of good times, but how are you going to let go off the relationship when you can’t even let go off its memoirs? Yes, you totally deserve the iPad they bought you or the super expensive bag they gave you on your last birthday, but that’s no excuse to hold on to something, unless you are good friends now, and by good I  mean genuinely good friends (Yea, apparently that’s a possibility, though very rare).

6. Footwear that haven’t touched your feet for over a year now.

7. Taking debts that you could live without.

8. Index finger! Yes, I meant that, though not literally. You don’t need to point that finger to blame people or situations for your failure. When life gives you lemon, make grape juice out of it and let the world wonder how the hell you did it. Don’t sit there and blame life for the bad quality of lemons.

9.  Aerated drinks. Go google the damage it does to your body. Now!

10. Comfort zone. Nothing more dangerous can come in such an attractive package. Before it slowly eats you off and makes you rot in one place, push that comfort zone away. Step ahead into a zone that intimidates you, that is scary and makes you feel like if you dare you’ll probably end up failing and people are going to laugh at you like they do at clowns in the circus. Nevertheless go ahead. Because you can never realise your true potential otherwise. It’s better to feel scared than to feel dead within while you are still alive.

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