
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Have you lived your life yet?

They looked into her eyes, as she seemed lifeless. She lay there knowing not where was she or what she was doing. All she could see was people looking at her and telling her things. She wasn't sure what it was they were talking, she wasn't sure if they were talking to her, or about her. There seemed to be panic in the air. This is not how she had imagined life to end, this is not how she wanted it to end. Amidst all the pain and fear she clenched her weak fist, hoping the pain on her hand could divert her from the other pain. The pain from the wounds didn't make a difference to her as much as the one in her heart was. "I have so much more to do in life, so much more to see" she thought. "Not today God, please not today" she prayed, but God seemed to have other plans.
She prayed desperately hoping one last prayer would make God change His mind but she knew in the back of her mind that this was it. Suddenly the life she lived was boiling down to nothing. She would soon just be a part of statistics on people dying in road rash. A feeling of emptiness filled her. The world slowed down. 

She thought of her people at home. She remembered how rude she had been to her mother that morning as she was getting late to office but the old woman insisted on her having breakfast before leaving. "I did not even get a chance to say the last good bye" she thought as her eyes filled up. "Had I waited back and listened to her, I would not have probably been here this way." For a change she blamed herself. All her childhood memories came flowing back to her mind and she smiled. The smile didn't last long though. With childhood memories came the memories of the later times when she took off all her frustration on her Mom. "I should have been more nice to her, and now I'm never going to get a chance to tell her that I really do love her. I was so busy living life that I forgot she is growing old too." Tears fell down her eyes. People watching her pitied her thinking of the pain she was going through. They had no idea of what that pain really was. "I should have listened to Dad, I should have rode slowly" she thought and cursed herself for all the times she got pissed off at him for being overprotective. "I don't want to leave" she squealed with the little energy she had left in her. Nobody could listen, but even if they could, they couldn't help anyway.The world seemed to become a little slower now. Had her life become so worthless? She wondered. "I haven't seen life yet", she cried to herself. She wasn't crying for not having seen life, she cried for not having seen life when she had the chance to. "I'll text him later" she remembered the words she said to herself last night when her friend, now in another city texted her saying he missed her.The pain of not getting the chance to let her friend know that she missed him killed her inside. "I should have replied right then" she thought. Ironic, he was going to miss her again and sadly forever. It was time for her to go, but she wasn't prepared. A hundred things in her list remained undone, but what saddened her more was the fact that they were not done by her when she had the chance to. From long she had wanted to pursue writing as a career. But her well paying corporate job that tuned her into a robot, did not let her get out of her comfort zone. Life turned into a repetitive wait for weekends and salary day. She complained to her friends of how she wanted to be a writer but is instead stuck in a 9 to 5 job. "Then quit" her friends used to say. "I don't know where to start from, I cannot just quit. What if i end up sitting at home with no means to earn at all?" she used to argue, rather make excuses. Comfort zone was not an easy place to bid goodbye to.

She regretted not giving herself a chance. She wanted to make it big in life but was waiting for the right time to come along. She regretted not having made "Now" the right time when she could. Now she would only end up being a piece of news in a local newspaper. "Did I live all these years to end up this way"? She hated this feeling. She hated it. "Please let this be a dream" she cried. She couldn't see people around anymore. They were still around but she was now caged in a world of solitude and regret. Life flashed before her eyes as she thought of all the times she weeped her eyes out for the wrong guy not realising how special she herself was. 

She regretted the times she said life sucked. Given a chance, she would live it all over again, just a lot better this time. A second chance was all she wanted, but that was the only thing that she would never get. The only thing, that was about to deprive her of everything! She thought of all the times she let go of a chance  thinking "Next time."

Somebody shook her, or so she felt. She wasn't sure, for she couldn't feel anything anymore. She thought of all the times she did not feel the breeze on her face because she was too busy texting someone. Somebody poured water on her face, or so she felt. She thought of all the times she walked in the rain with her thoughts elsewhere. "When did i ever live in the moment?" She felt helpless now. "I was either too stuck in the past or too hopeful about the future". She broke down, crying as hard as she could, but she wasn't able to feel  that either now. The only thing that she was now able to feel were her regrets, and slowly with her last breath that disappeared too.
People looked down and sighed on seeing a life end on the middle of the road. She breathed her last with regrets!


"Her hands moved"! She heard someone screaming. And there was silence again. "Hurry up!" she heard a new voice instructing somebody else. She opened her eyes slowly to see familiar and new faces both, looking at her like a new born baby. Her head still hurt. Tears welled up her eyes, as they did in the eyes of everyone around her. "I am alive" she mumbled through the pain, both physical and emotional. "You are baby" her mom said as she hugged her, carefully enough to not hurt her. Through her tears she saw them all, her dad, the friend who was yet to receive her text and other friends. "She's out of danger" said the new voice, the doctor's. More tears rolled down her cheeks through the bruises on her face. "So my last breath wasn't my last after all" she thought. She suddenly felt blessed than ever before despite the broken limbs and a plastered head. Life did give her a chance after all when she least expected it. "I wont let you down" she promised herself, she promised life! She raised her hand slowly. Her parents leaned forward to hear what she tried to mumble. 

"What can we get you?" they asked. 

"I love you, And wont ever let you feel otherwise" she said "And you" she pointed her shivering fingers at her friend "I missed you a lot" . They smiled in surprise and confusion, but most of all, they smiled in joy. 

"Now can someone please type me a resignation  letter?" she said hiding a smile.

She could be you! Still waiting for the right time to live life?

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