
Monday, August 8, 2016

Marry someone who...

Marry someone who makes you believe in love. Marry the one who makes you want to stay.

The one who thinks you look great when you wear the perfect dress with the right shoes and makeup, but finds you irresistible  in sweatpants with a messy bun on a lazy Sunday morning. Marry the one who looks at you like you're special, marry the one who knows that you are. Marry the one who wants to spend time with you, the one who makes the most of the time you get. Marry the one you can make beautiful memories with. The one who feeds you first when you're hungry and who takes your tantrums, the one who looks after you. Marry the one who moves the hair away from your face, and who never ceases to think you're beautiful. The one who thinks everyday is amazing with you, but doesn't stop trying to make some days even more amazing. Marry the one whose eyes light up when they see you, the one who cant stop falling for you over and over again, no matter how long they've known you. Marry the one who finds your quirkiness adorable, and your terrible jokes funny. The one who holds your hand at every chance they get, and never shies away from expressing their love for you. Marry the one who's proud to have you, the one who would turn the world upside down to keep you by their side forever. The one who counts stars with you. Marry the one who finds happiness in your joy, who finds peace in your smile. The one who celebrates your highs and lifts you out of the lows. Marry the one who treats you like you're all that they've ever asked from the universe. The one who goes out of their way to keep you comfortable, the one whose love radiates in every little action of theirs, like holding your bag to patting you to sleep. Marry the one who makes you comfortable in your own skin, the one who never lets you think you're not enough. Marry the one who remembers the smallest things about you, from the way you crinkle your nose to paint your nails. Marry someone who never gets tired of listening to your endless stories, the one who listens to them like they are just about to come to life. The one who kisses you on the forehead, hugs you out of the blue. The one who cooks you your favorite dish, makes you your favorite drink. The one who cant stop falling head over heels in love with you everyday, the one who leaves you smitten as well. Marry the one who sees your soul, the one who reads your eyes. The one who makes you happy, the one who makes you want to live life to the fullest.

Marry someone who makes you believe fairy tales exist. Marry the one who creates one for you.

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