
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Go ahead! Take that step!

How often have you delayed a step, an action that you wanted to take? "I will do this tomorrow", "Just not in a mood to do it today", "What difference will it make if I do it later and not today". Do these words sound familiar? To me it does, and you would be lying to yourself, if you say it doesnt to  you. For we all are humans, and often find ourselves in places that are not very comfortable to be in. It could be dealing with a failed promise to yourself that you will start making efforts to lose that holiday weight, or QUIT smoking AGAIN (pun intended), wanting to move out of a painful relationship, or just the opposite that is wanting to express your love to someone yet not being able to, letting someone know how you feel, or be it an old hobby that you want to get back to. We often have the tendency of getting too comfortable in our comfort levels, so much, that we often stop ourselves from taking that step that we know is going to make us happy.

 It feels nice to stay in your comfort zone, even if it means having to deal with feelings of guilt, laziness, pain, confusion, curiosity because at the end of the day you have a cushion to fall back to. There always seems to be something that pulls you back when you think of taking a big step; could be laziness, or the fear of the unknown, the fear of the future or just plain fear of taking a risk. But like a recent picture that I saw on FB says, Happiness does not come to those who wait but to those who work their ass off for it! Nothing in this world is permanent. For all you know you may not be alive the very next moment. Tomorrow may be a fancy word to convince yourself  but you never know if tomorrow is a day that you will live to see. The step that you take tomorrow will not have the same effect that it will have today. You are losing your precious day planning about something that you say you will do. Stop the whole planning and just go do it! Go tell that person you are madly n love with them, start gymming if you want a healthier body, get out of that relationship if you cant take the pain anymore, throw that cigarette butt forever and let it be the last forever you have promised yourself, go for the vacation that you have been delaying, go take a break, start that hobby again before it seems like an aliens hobby and not yours. There are going to be a thousand voices in your head that will tell you to stay back in your comfort zone, there will be people to give you  the wrong advise, there will be excuses you would want to make, but move over these trivial things that are stopping you from taking that step. Go ahead! Take that step! Its going to be wonderful, and if it is not, its going to be  worth the effort. You will never know if you dont try :)

1 comment:

Solitude Soul said...

A knockout punch for the lazy clan. :)