
Monday, April 26, 2010


While human rights activists and parents of children on a reality show for kids fight over whats right and whats wrong,its sad to see the state of children on tv shows these days,as they dance to the tunes of fame hungry parents and trp raking channels while their innocence is being murdered!

Who wouldnt like to see young kids brimming with confidence and showcasing their talent at a young age when they have it,but whats sad,is that these kids are no longer presented as kids.With increasing reality shows for kids one doesnt really gets to see the essence of such shows anymore.Gone are the days when such shows were meant for potraying children's talent.Its just a big bad world they are being pushed into by parents who dont see the danger lying ahead and channels who dont really bother.I dont see a point in making kids dance to numbers in skimpy clothes performing like adults or being made to behave like adults be it in a musical reality show or even comic onez.why cant one let children be!Would their talent be less attractive if they performed like all the other children of their age do?What is the point in subjecting children to harsh schedules and mean treatment?Doesn't anybody who push the children in this well realise they are not just stealing the children of their innocence but also going to entirely change the kids thinking and behaviour,now and in the years to come?

At an age when these children are supposed to be enjoying the best few years of their lives,discussing home work cartoons and play,they are trying hard to look their best when they dance the way adults in movies do or trying to make people laugh at nv jokes and behave like mature adults.
When will people realise that you are no less than a criminal when ure robbing children of the best years of their lives and taking away their innocence forever,making an impact on their lives forever,that will never let them be themselves!


Unknown said...

totally agree!!...every child prodigy when grows up has only one complaint they never experienced a "childhood"..and thats snatching a big part of life!...Let kids be kids!..niceeee post!

Anonymous said...

A very sensitive topic...But I guess you are missing out that it might favour some of them might increase the esteem of a few children....provide money to a few poor families...and moreover some reality dance shows seem more 'apt'(as considered by the society) to the little girls than the grown up ones....but yeah, a childhood without homework and pranks at school is a really boring one, I suppose...I think there should be a right balance between the two...Since policy making is really not my forte, I guess I'd leave my comment open ended :)

Jiji said...

well different people different views:) but as far as increasin self esteem and stuff goes i guess the worst thing to do is take away sum1z childhood..they'd have their entire life 2 make money and build up an image..then y strain dem wid such things at such an early age dats supposd 2 b da most wonderful years of life?
neways like i sed earlier different people different views

raj said...

whn sme parents try smthng like dst wid a kid, he/she has evry right to b pissed off wid them later whn he/she undrstnds wht dey stole fr dere mney and d 'childs future'

grt post jiji, food fr tgt.