
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Too Young!

I ask my mom If I can travel out of town alone? She says "No! You are too young to do that"
My dad doesnt trust all the people I know. He says "You're too young to know whats running in people's minds"
My mom wants me home by 10 in the night. She says "Youre too young to hang out in the night"
My phone starts ringing when Im not home on time.
My dad lectures me on how to manage money better. He says "You're too young to understand the value of money"

I get angry. I argue, I try to reason Im not a kid anymore. I think to myself when will they ever understand that their litte girl is grown up enough and can take care of herself without any help. I think to myself. Iam a working professional now. I earn enough to meet not just my needs. but my desires too. I've seen the world and I tell them its different from the one they grew up in. I hav seen myself grow up.I tel them I now think before I act.

My thought process has changed just like my priorities have. I am old enough to have seen people change with time, to have taken decisions that i call 'big decisions'. Old enough to lend my shoulder for friends to cry on, to have dealt with people and situations, to share my piece of mind with people, to have seen relationships fade with time, have fallen in love and dealt with heart breaks.I try to reason im not too young like they say and call them over protective.

 But a little something knocks my mind when I hear of a woman travelling alone being trafficked in my very own city. I think to myself, Im glad my mom doesn't let me travel without a friend.
When i find people I call my own betrayin me, my dad's words resounds in my head.
When Im broke at the end of the month, I start wondering if I should have listened to dad's lecture.
When i pass a deserted lane in the dark and my heart starts pounding of fear, I think of Mom's words of not hanging out after 10.
When dad doesn't reach home on time from work and I call him up, I wonder if what I feel then, is the same reason why my phone starts ringing when  I dont reach home on time.

I sure am old enough to make decisions on my own, but when I think of it, the man who raised me all these years without ever complaining of my ways, i dont mind being too young in his eyes. Im sure the woman who had sleepless nights when I fell sick, sure has a reason when she isn't ready to admit Iam a grown up woman now. 

While I'd like to believe I am old enough to take care of myself, Id also believe they are right :) may be I will be 'TOO YOUNG' for them always and I dont mind being that :)

Monday, May 9, 2011


He was just another cute boy, and she just another girl beautiful
They met for the first time in school
While he was her best friend, he thought the same
People thought there's more to the story and they called people lame
WE ARE JUST FRIENDS they would say
And our friendship is here to stay
Years pass and the guy turned into a handsome young man
And the girl into a pretty woman of elan
The bond they shared only grew strong
Nothing ever could possibly go wrong
"Is she your girl dude?" his friends would ask and he would laugh
So would the girl when people suggested he could be her perfect better half
WE ARE JUST FRIENDS they would say
We were earlier and even today
She meant the world to him and she knew it well
He did all that to let her know she was more than special
Over long rides in the rain
Over crying on her shoulders in pain
Over his numerous attempts to make her smile
Over the spark between them despite their denial
He had secretly fell for the dame
And deep down she felt the same
WE ARE JUST FRIENDS! he would now lie
for he didn't know what was in her mind
Over the midnight phone calls and over million cups of coffee
Over his kisses on her forehead, she could see
That she had fallen for her friend
WE ARE JUST FRIENDS! she would lie
For she didn't know the story at the other end
One fine day he decided to let her know
That he couldn't ever let her go
He held her hand and bent down on his knee
"Girl! You are my world. Will you marry me?"
She smiled as tears rolled down her eye
And she nodded a yes in joy
He hugged her tight and kissed her forehead
He looked into her eyes and said
"Iam glad you are not JUST A FRIEND!"
Several years down the line on an evening cold
She rests her head on his chest and walks down the road
He kisses her wrinkled forehead lying beneath her hair grey
When they hear their son smile at them and say
"How does it feel to be in love and growing old together?"
The now Old man says "Oh! WE ARE JUST FRIENDS" and winks at her ;)

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Can lunch in a five star restaurant fill your stomach the way home made food served by Mom does?

Can reaching targets at work give the same feeling of conquering the impossible the way just passing in maths did in school?

Can being gifted diamonds ever take  the place of a peck on the forehead??

Does imported Alphonso taste better better than the mangoes you stole as a kid from your neighbor's garden?

Is sleeping on a luxurious bed better than falling asleep on your loved one's shoulder?

Can the most expensive designer dress manage to make a father smile the way he does when he sees his daughter in a saree for the first time?

Can an sms mean more than a hand written letter?

Does donating millions of rupees to temples mean God needs money more than people dying of hunger and poverty do? :(

Can driving a Mercedes give the same feeling of freedom that cycling gave in childhood?

Will the most expensive gift that you give your parents ever mean more than what you bought for them with your first salary?

Can ac cafeterias in office mean more than the little canteen in college ?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Considering I have a history of being joblessly bored and while I continue to excel in the same field ;) here is an insight into the power of boredom :P

Boredom can

1. Wake the devil up, that runs a workshop in your idle mind and make him work overtime.
2. Make you try all the applications of the world on Facebook.
3. Give you the mental strength of watching an Ekta Kapoor serial and actually make you watch the entire episode :O :O
4. Make you laugh at the lamest joke on earth in spite of having heard it a thousand times before.
5. Make you chat with a person you dont even remember seeing last.
6.In extremely serious cases it can make you open your books for studying. Such cases of boredom need to be taken care of at the earliest, before you lose control over the situation :O
7.Make you log in to your Orkut account which by then may have been stuck in a cobweb. (For those of you who are not familiar with the world of social networking ,  though I doubt if there is anyone, Orkut is dead! Facebook killed it.!)
8.Make you Google search your own name.
9.Boredom can make ME write articles like this.
10.Boredom can make YOU read articles like this ;)